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First Friday Events in Wichita, KS January 2024

First Friday Wichita

First Friday Wichita

Here are some of the First Friday events in Wichita, KS in January 2024, where attendees can explore local businesses, enjoy live music and art exhibitions, and support the community’s economic growth.

First Friday Events in Wichita, KS

Photo by Jessica Pamp on Unsplash | Commercial use allowed

First Friday events in Wichita, KS are designed to support small businesses and encourage residents to explore local establishments and artists. These events attract more people than a typical Friday evening, offering live music shows, art exhibitions, and networking opportunities. First Friday events provide a great opportunity to discover and support local businesses, fostering community engagement and economic growth.

On January 5th, 2024, Wichita will host a range of specific events, including a First Friday Gallery Crawl in Downtown Wichita and various art and entertainment options.

Hopper: An American Love Story (Screening) at Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS

Residents and visitors can look forward to events such as Slow Looking in (im)permanent at Wichita Art Museum and Hopper: An American Love Story (Screening) at Wichita Art Museum, among others. Additionally, various other entertainment options such as live music, poetry night, and theater performances will be available at different venues across the city.

First Friday Events

To find a list of art galleries and artists participating in the First Friday events in downtown Wichita, individuals can visit the Downtown Wichita website. The event features a variety of artists, exhibitions, and markets, making it an enjoyable and engaging experience for students, families, and art lovers.

First Friday Wichita

During the First Friday of January 2024, Wichita will host specific events such as Slow Looking in (im)permanent at the Wichita Art Museum and Hopper: An American Love Story (Screening) at the Wichita Art Museum. Additionally, there will be various other entertainment options such as live music, poetry night, and theater performances at different venues across the city.

To purchase one-of-a-kind artwork during First Friday in Wichita, KS, attendees can explore the art galleries and markets featured in the event, including locations such as Art House 310, Artists in Old Town Studios, Gallery XII, Harvester Arts, Hopping Gnome Brewing Company, Mulberry Art Gallery, Reuben Saunders Gallery, and Revolutsia.

During the First Friday events in Wichita, KS, attendees can support local businesses by exploring the various establishments and artists participating in the event. This provides a great opportunity to discover and engage with the local community, contributing to the growth and vitality of the city’s small businesses.

Attendees can navigate and enjoy the First Friday experience by exploring artist demonstrations, live music, and the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind artwork directly from the artists. Most galleries are open from 7 pm to 9 pm, and the event is free and open to the public, providing an enjoyable and engaging experience for students, families, and art enthusiasts. The event also includes live music and artist demonstrations, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.

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